Annette -ZOMOOI-
weaver in Mangawhai, New Zealand
[zo mooi: Dutch; adjectieve: a pleasure for the eye, so beautiful]
Where I am from; the lowlands of the Netherlands.
And where I live now, the land of the long white cloud, Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Both places merge like warp and weft in my weaving.
In my second year of living in New Zealand, it was at a Cultural Event, celebrating the Art from the Pacific region that a traditional Māori, patterned woven kete (basket) caught my eye.
The use of natural material in combination with cultural and traditional techniques and patterns struck me.
That day, my weaving journey began.
I started an introduction of Raranga (flax weaving) at an evening class.
It was years later, that I found my teacher, Kaiako, Master Weaver Veranoa Hetet. She taught me how to weave from the very basics towards that beautiful patterned kete Whakairo. And her lessons didn’t stop there.
Tāniko, traditional finger weaving and the whatu weaving of Kākahu, clothing and cloaks followed.
My learning is ongoing.
I am also taught Tikanga (the correct procedures, protocol) around traditional Māori weaving.
And made aware that it’s not all about skill. As a weaver, your Hands, Heart and Mind have to work as one. If one of those is out of line, it’s best to take a break.
I love what I do and I like to welcome you at my little weaving studio. Click on the pictures at the top of this Bio to open my folder.
You can follow my weaving on Instagram too.
Feel welcome to contact me through Instagram or click the -Contact Me- button above.
I respect the value of Toi Māori Aotearoa.